Decisions, Choices, and Advocates For Our Care

Decisions, Choices, and Advocates for Our Care Even the best of care needs to be overseen to assure our wishes are honored My years as a registered nurse has proven to me the great importance that a personal advocate for anyone receiving care becomes. Our healthcare professionals, like myself, are well-intentioned but also open to their own…

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Breath, Movement, Poetry

Breath, Movement, Poetry Using these tools creates a life within the whole This week I have been blessed to attend the Poetry and Yoga Workshop sponsored by Write On,Door County. I have found it to be one of the most inspirational and transformative workshops that I have ever participated in. We were lead through yoga, breathwork,…

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End of Life Conversations

End of Life Conversations Featured guest on “Going Home with Tony” I am excited to be the featured guest of Tony Scimeca on his radio program this week, Thursday 7/30 at 5PM. I look forward to a lively conversation with Tony and hope that it will encourage others to “Start the Conversation” about our individual…

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Trusting the Process

Trusting the Process Allowing life to unfold in it’s own way My presentation last week to the residents of a local assisted living facility was delightful, and I left feeling filled from the experience. In addressing a group that could teach me many things about accepting our mortality, the conversation enriched me and left me…

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Let’s Start the Conversation….Within

Let’s Start the Conversation…Within While discussing our end of life wishes, lets start a discussion with the sacred within us I am excited to be presenting to a group of residents at Pinecrest Village in Sturgeon Bay, WI today. I have spent a lot of time considering what to say to this predominantly elderly group.…

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 Summer…Family…Community Sharing my life Summer’s early weeks have passed, and we are approaching the July 4th celebration. Our weather has been cool and wet, with many days of crisp sunshine to get outdoors and drink in my community. I have enjoyed the busy streets and cafes of the vacation area that I live in, and…

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Book Clubs and Writing Groups

  Book Clubs and Writing Groups Introducing Sally: A Memoir to your group Discussing my memoir with book clubs or writing groups is always an exciting time for me. Sharing my experience as a family member as well as a writer always connects me with others’ journeys. I come away richer, after experiencing a common bond.…

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Rainy Day Insight

Rainy Day Insights Drawing within along with the weather… I awoke to a dark, almost foggy morning. I immediately felt cozy, and given permission for a quiet, introspective morning. Always my favorite, because that means writing and a naturally deep meditation. This morning, I am especially introspective after the past few weeks. In my new…

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Starting the Conversation…About What?

Starting the Conversation…About What? End of life discussions are very individual Last week I participated in an end of life program in Sturgeon Bay. The room was filled with people of all ages, each seeking the information that was especially important to them. The morning’s presenters covered topics related to legal preparations, funeral arrangements, necessary…

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“Starting the Conversation”

“Starting the Conversation” Difficult, yes….but transforming Tomorrow I will speak at Sturgeon Bay’s United Methodist Church. It will be a day long program designed to “get the conversation started” about life and death matters. That is so scary to all of us, it makes us squirm. Yet I have found that facing this very uncomfortable…

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